Exterior Restoration Project Announced

Exterior Restoration Project Announced

The Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation has announced a major endeavor: the complete restoration and repainting of the historic structure of the Lee-Fendall House. We have secured HomeWorks Painting to perform most of the work.

Fundraising for this important project began recently with our 2014 Spring2Action campaign, and the Historic Alexandria Foundation has also provided key funding. Interest continues to grow!

The official announcement of the project has been made via a sign on our fence along Washington Street. Shown in the photo during its placement are (from left) Roger Monthey, Edward Horn, David Heiby, and Dianne Murphy, all members of the board of directors of the Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation.

You can support the work we are doing by becoming a Member or by making a gift. All gifts to the Lee-Fendall House are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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